Sunday, July 24, 2011

Oh Shiz....

Well I just realized that literally 3 weeks from today I am going to break lots of bones and collapse and vomit....all at the same time. I have REALLY fallen off the running bandwagon and I am totes terrified. Everyday from here on out..I must run at least 3 miles...or until I vomit which is around the 1 mile mark...sooo that blows. I dont want to hold my friend back who is all about this but...lets be real....thats going to happen. I really need to step up my game.

On the bright side...we all know I love shopping...and I am going to buy waterproof Vibrams and some spandex shorts so I am pretty stoked to get to spend more money! Thats about the only good thing to come out of this.

Welp...Entourage is coming on and I need to continue to eat my weight in Chocolate peanut butter fudge ice cream...obviously...

Goodbye cruel world