Sunday, July 24, 2011

Oh Shiz....

Well I just realized that literally 3 weeks from today I am going to break lots of bones and collapse and vomit....all at the same time. I have REALLY fallen off the running bandwagon and I am totes terrified. Everyday from here on out..I must run at least 3 miles...or until I vomit which is around the 1 mile mark...sooo that blows. I dont want to hold my friend back who is all about this but...lets be real....thats going to happen. I really need to step up my game.

On the bright side...we all know I love shopping...and I am going to buy waterproof Vibrams and some spandex shorts so I am pretty stoked to get to spend more money! Thats about the only good thing to come out of this.

Welp...Entourage is coming on and I need to continue to eat my weight in Chocolate peanut butter fudge ice cream...obviously...

Goodbye cruel world

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Life is a series of scales and balances. (I mean this metaphorically, of course, as I try like hell to avoid both as often as possible in real life) For example I know that if I am going to drink all of these on a Thursday night with 2 other people:
Then I must eat things like these to counteract the damage:

If it were reasonable/affordable/wouldn't give me mercury poisoning I would eat sushi every day. I would also drink 7 bottles of wine every day if that were reasonable. Unfortunately, in grown-up world it isn't and I am forced to exercise some self-control. However, since I am utterly unwilling to give up alcohol, I will make my concessions with healthier food and more exercise. Life is just so unfair sometimes, isn't it?

Today I worked out for 45 minutes. Still sucks, in case you were expecting that to change. I had coffee and fruit for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and grilled chicken with roasted zucchini for dinner. I also indulged in a scoop of frozen yogurt which my mother aptly noticed I measured with a measuring cup. I like being accurate when counting calories. On that note, do you know how DEPRESSING one serving of frozen yogurt is? Almost as depressing as serving of cereal. Seriously, I'm going to buy baby bowls so that I can endure it.

Alas, my birthday dinner is coming up on Thursday and you can expect an all out binge. How is that for balance? Stay tuned.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Back on the horse

Hello there,

As promised, I got my lazy ass back into the gym and back on a diet today. Before I go into detail about what I did/ate, I wanted to share a food blog that I really really enjoy. Although I've never done Weight Watchers, I really enjoy discovering new ways to cook for I like and reduce the calories/fat and Weight Watchers followers are really great at that. I enjoy food too much not to at least TRY and eat more than salads and grilled chicken and this blog gives me hope I can do that without being fat. Check out

Anyway, I spent 45 minutes in the gym, 25 on the elliptical and 20 on the treadmill. Everything pretty much hurt after that and it makes me angry to be so out of shape.

Today I ate a small bowl of cereal and coffee for breakfast and a salad for dinner. I had a few bites of my parents' ziti and broccoli and that was enough to not want to eat the entire pound of pasta.

In other news, this is my birthday week so I have set aside Thursday (the big day) to eat whatever since I'm going to dinner with my family. Otherwise, I really am being as strict as possible this month. I also start my new job July 1. I'm looking for tips on how to pack healthy lunches. Send some options my way.

Unfortunately, I plan on going to the gym tomorrow again. Please, please, send your well-wishes my way.


Sunday, June 26, 2011


Ok ok, this is really hard. Because I'm lazy and have the bones of an old person. I'd done making excuses though and will be dragging my miserable ass to the gym first thing tomorrow morning. It's also my birthday week which means i will OBVIOUSLY allow myself once but otherwise am old eating salads and air (and wine). I promise an update of the misery that will ensure at the gym tomorrow. UGH.

Oh right...that running thing

Ok soooo I was doing really well ...running almost everyday for about 2 miles...and then the weekends come and it all comes to a screeching halt. I have lost  5 pounds so far and every weekend I eat or drink those 5 pounds back. I need to put an end to it and get back to training. I also havent been to the gym in a week.....sooo yea there is that. More to come this week....

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Coffee, please.

Hello folks,

Being unemployed, I am sitting in my pajamas drinking coffee enjoying a cup of coffee. Hopefully the unemployed bit will be ending soon but it got me thinking about those things in my diet I'm just not willing to give up. Half and half in my coffee.. this is a luxury I refuse to give up. If I am attempting to build a healthier lifestyle for myself I have to be realistic about how I can live for the rest of my life.. and I'll be damned if I'll live a cream-less life.

It feels really good to get to the gym, physically anyway. However, I still hate every second of it and my guess is that this will never really change. I'm trying to get in at least 45 minutes 5 days/week and so far have been on the right track. I'm a work in progress so bear with me. Next week Alexis and I are going to start incorporating weights into our routine so please stay tuned for the hilarity (and injuries) that will ensue.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Gimme Chocolateeeeeeeeeeeee

Exercise: Running
Food: Strawberries, Salad, Lil bit of pasta
Playlist: Glee, MIA, LCD Soundsystem, Bruce Springsteen

Ok I did really well today with the whole eating healthy thing. A Co-worker and I have decided to keep each other in check and watch what we eat, which is helpful! I MAY have had a reeses or 2 but IM ONLY HUMAN. Tonight I ran after dinner and my knees are really throbbing. I found it it hard to go up and down stairs today so im thinking tomorrow I need to ice them and let them rest or I might just collapse.  I just need them to hold up for exactly 2 months. The pain really slowed me down today unfortunately and I was hoping to improve my time...but alas, at least I ran, UNLIKE SOMEONE! As I sit here right now...I am seriously craving chocolate ....I might cry if I dont eat chocolate right now...WILLPOWER?....Only time will tell...