Monday, June 13, 2011

Gimme Chocolateeeeeeeeeeeee

Exercise: Running
Food: Strawberries, Salad, Lil bit of pasta
Playlist: Glee, MIA, LCD Soundsystem, Bruce Springsteen

Ok I did really well today with the whole eating healthy thing. A Co-worker and I have decided to keep each other in check and watch what we eat, which is helpful! I MAY have had a reeses or 2 but IM ONLY HUMAN. Tonight I ran after dinner and my knees are really throbbing. I found it it hard to go up and down stairs today so im thinking tomorrow I need to ice them and let them rest or I might just collapse.  I just need them to hold up for exactly 2 months. The pain really slowed me down today unfortunately and I was hoping to improve my time...but alas, at least I ran, UNLIKE SOMEONE! As I sit here right now...I am seriously craving chocolate ....I might cry if I dont eat chocolate right now...WILLPOWER?....Only time will tell...

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