Saturday, June 11, 2011

"I wish we were in Africa and it was cool to be fat"

 Exercise: 20 minutes on the Elyptical (spelling?) 25 minutes running.
 Food: Multigrain Bagel, Coffee, Margaritas (obvi)
 Playlist: LCD Soundsystem, Glee

You may have heard the news...and YES its true, Nicole and I have joined a gym, although when we drove up the cops and EMT's were there so I am wondering who called ahead and told them I was coming? Anywho, I am already hooked, obsessed call it what you want. We are even meeting a trainer on wednesday! I am SO pumped! I really feel that if I keep this up I can TOTALLY finish this race, however, I did talk to a friend today who has done this race and he told me not only is it hard but the first mile is all uphill? Really? How bout no, Scott. I dont do that sucks donkey balls.

After working out, Nicole and I got coffee and bagels. Apparently Bertha the Bagel Butterer saw through the work out gear and saw the true fatty in me and  decided to slap on approximately 7-8 pounds of butter. Now, dont get me wrong. I love me some butter but this healthy chick scraped it allllllll off until there was just a hint of it left....check it out....

Check me out...first official gym workout

Annndddddd heres dinner...


Laters on the Menjay,

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