Friday, June 10, 2011

Nicole and the no good, very bad...month?

So far I've noticed that the only thing creating this blog has accomplished so far is creating intense feelings of guilt every time i even look at a cookie (because that TOTALLY didn't exist before). While i swear I am absolutely dedicated to not dying a fiery death at the Warrior Dash right now I am totally consumed by finding a job and starting my life. In between reading young adult novels about vampires and werewolves and looking for jobs I have very little time left. That probably is untrue, but whatever, I'm wallowing.

Yesterday, after a particularly excruciating interview and let down (I made it to the final three candidates but didn't get the job) I parked my ass at a bar in Grand Central Station and chugged a blood orange margarita in what I can only describe as a crippling-depression induced blackout. Afterward, I felt guilty and thought about how I might justify it to all (ha!) of our readers and here is what I came up with: I deserved it and if I can't make room in my life for a "i-feel-bad-for-myself" mid-afternoon cocktail then this is no life for me.

Anyway, it's a million degrees outside right now and I admit that I have yet to really dedicate myself to a fitness regiment. I am currently debating going outside for a light yog around the apartment complex but I promise that as soon as ALEXIS gets her crap together and we join the gym I will have more exciting updates about my asthma attacks and shin splints. My athleticism is astounding, you're all in for a treat.

On that note, I will leave you with a photograph of my margarita and an (insincere) apology to anyone that I might have let down because I drank it.

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