Monday, June 13, 2011

Skee dob oh dee dob oh dee


So in the food and exercise arena things seem off to a good start. I'm doing my best to be disciplined about the way i eat but it usually takes about a week for me to get back into the swing of things and work through my sugar cravings. Overall, I just want cookies.. all the time. But this too shall pass. My hip still hurts but it feels good to be active. I took today off but will be back in there tomorrow- my goal is to go at least 5 times a week and while I'm unemployed do some two-a-days. I plan to enlist my mom in keeping me company since I can brings guests.

Alexis and I have been getting coffee after our workouts which I really enjoy. What I DO NOT enjoy is having NARROWLY escaped getting a bagel both days. I'm not sure how long my iron-will can last.

Anyway, as promised I will provide a photograph. It really does express exactly how the both of us feel about the gym while simultaneously making me appear bald.

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