Monday, June 27, 2011

Back on the horse

Hello there,

As promised, I got my lazy ass back into the gym and back on a diet today. Before I go into detail about what I did/ate, I wanted to share a food blog that I really really enjoy. Although I've never done Weight Watchers, I really enjoy discovering new ways to cook for I like and reduce the calories/fat and Weight Watchers followers are really great at that. I enjoy food too much not to at least TRY and eat more than salads and grilled chicken and this blog gives me hope I can do that without being fat. Check out

Anyway, I spent 45 minutes in the gym, 25 on the elliptical and 20 on the treadmill. Everything pretty much hurt after that and it makes me angry to be so out of shape.

Today I ate a small bowl of cereal and coffee for breakfast and a salad for dinner. I had a few bites of my parents' ziti and broccoli and that was enough to not want to eat the entire pound of pasta.

In other news, this is my birthday week so I have set aside Thursday (the big day) to eat whatever since I'm going to dinner with my family. Otherwise, I really am being as strict as possible this month. I also start my new job July 1. I'm looking for tips on how to pack healthy lunches. Send some options my way.

Unfortunately, I plan on going to the gym tomorrow again. Please, please, send your well-wishes my way.


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