Friday, June 10, 2011

Want me to Punch-a-size your face? For Free?

Exercise: Walk/Run
Food: Skinny Vanilla Latte, Chicken Pot pie (oops), Pinkberry (oops)...etc etc
Playlist: MIA, Glee, Cut Copy, Brand New

Well hello there friends! Second post....very exciting... As you may have read, Nicole and I have both had pretty rough weeks...for separate reasons... so we did not post yesterday. Well, I had no power until this afternoon so really that was my excuse. Anywho, This whole running thing has me pumped and really sore, not sure I want to continue..

Yesterday, I will put it out there, I did not exercise but to make up for it I had Pinkberry .....duh ..and oh how delish it was. I can thank my coworker for being a bad influence and suggesting it. When I got home we had no power so we went to my parents house for dinner, came home to no power and went to bed. No shower = No running.

Today however....well thats a different story. Not only did I just get back from a leg cramping, thrilling (no), run (approx 2 miles, dont believe what tells you...they lie) but I walked from Chelsea to Grand Central.(1.1 miles, thanks google maps!) So stick that in your pipe and smoke it Nicole. Clearly your ass is going to be a fiery mess while my svelte body gingerly glides over and through all obstacles until the end where I am crowned Alexis: Warrior Princess. Im just are behind...get with it. Anywho, while my friend was boozing it up, you can see I was training to win this shit. BAZINGA!

I also have some questions: 1.) Don't you think I should wear a helmet while partaking in this death race? Probs 2.) In all seriousness, is running the only way to train? I need to build stamina, yes but perhaps some weights? 3.) Pizza is the best idea for dinner correct? Smothered in meatballs? Great. Done. But on the phone right now ordering it...LAY OFF ME IM STARVING!

Laters on Menjay

Check out some pics below!

                                    PINKBERRY...dont mind the brownies bites...focus on the strawberries
I enjoy running on the highway overpass...reminds me of my favorite Brand New song 

Tell me this doesn't look like the road where dead girls bodies are no...I do not travel on this road.

This damn dog scares the bejesus out of me..every fricken day
My was not 3 miles like MAPMYRUN said...but still....

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize this was a competition but now that I know I say: bring it on cankles. you're done.
