Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Life is a series of scales and balances. (I mean this metaphorically, of course, as I try like hell to avoid both as often as possible in real life) For example I know that if I am going to drink all of these on a Thursday night with 2 other people:
Then I must eat things like these to counteract the damage:

If it were reasonable/affordable/wouldn't give me mercury poisoning I would eat sushi every day. I would also drink 7 bottles of wine every day if that were reasonable. Unfortunately, in grown-up world it isn't and I am forced to exercise some self-control. However, since I am utterly unwilling to give up alcohol, I will make my concessions with healthier food and more exercise. Life is just so unfair sometimes, isn't it?

Today I worked out for 45 minutes. Still sucks, in case you were expecting that to change. I had coffee and fruit for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and grilled chicken with roasted zucchini for dinner. I also indulged in a scoop of frozen yogurt which my mother aptly noticed I measured with a measuring cup. I like being accurate when counting calories. On that note, do you know how DEPRESSING one serving of frozen yogurt is? Almost as depressing as serving of cereal. Seriously, I'm going to buy baby bowls so that I can endure it.

Alas, my birthday dinner is coming up on Thursday and you can expect an all out binge. How is that for balance? Stay tuned.


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