Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cookies are a staple in every girls diet...

Hey no one reading this....follow our blog over the next 2 months as we train to be the next Ultimate Warriors, no offense to the original, may he RIP....moment of silence please.....

Here is a breakdown of my Day 1
1.) only had one cookie at thats a plus
2.) Ran about a was pitch black out...lay off me
3.) Playlist = Cut Copy, Vanilla Ice, Glee, LCD Soundsystem, Bruce Springsteen, Florence and the Machine

So here is the rundown of how we came about all of these shenanigans. A friend from work asked me to sign up for the Warrior Dash and me having a death wish, I said yes. Knowing she would leave me in the dust with broken bones I enlisted my BFF Nicole to do it as well! If you know me you know I LOVE to eat, eat ,eat and basically just eat. Not sure if I mentioned this before but I really love to eat, cookies, cake, chocolate and anything that is edible. But there will be no more of that. It has been 2 days since these precious lips have toyed with goodness of a chocolate chip cookie....except the one I had during market today, but besides that I have sworn them off....kind of. Not only that but I am even exercising. SHOCKING, I know. This is all a sick joke but deep down I am kind of excited! This gives me a reason to get off my ass and stop watching reality tv and actually accomplish something, so I guess I should thank the one who asked me to sign up. Cheers to weight loss and accomplishing something I never thought I would do!

Check out what we are doing below!

Check me out on my night run!! Thats the face of PURE JOY....

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