Thursday, June 16, 2011

Coffee, please.

Hello folks,

Being unemployed, I am sitting in my pajamas drinking coffee enjoying a cup of coffee. Hopefully the unemployed bit will be ending soon but it got me thinking about those things in my diet I'm just not willing to give up. Half and half in my coffee.. this is a luxury I refuse to give up. If I am attempting to build a healthier lifestyle for myself I have to be realistic about how I can live for the rest of my life.. and I'll be damned if I'll live a cream-less life.

It feels really good to get to the gym, physically anyway. However, I still hate every second of it and my guess is that this will never really change. I'm trying to get in at least 45 minutes 5 days/week and so far have been on the right track. I'm a work in progress so bear with me. Next week Alexis and I are going to start incorporating weights into our routine so please stay tuned for the hilarity (and injuries) that will ensue.


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