Sunday, June 12, 2011


Hello friends,

As Alexis has shared with you all, we indeed joined the gym yesterday. While she thinks it's the most fabulous thing in the world because she's never belonged to one before I, as a life-long chub, know that the luster wears off quickly. There was a time in my life, while in college, that I was in pretty decent shape and I genuinely enjoyed the gym. I'm desperately trying to remember why I liked the feeling so it keeps me motivated to go. It does help to have a friend with you. I just remind myself that it is also a chance to socialize. Even if your friend doesnt warn you before you leave the house that she put makeup on.

The downside of all of this is that I have the hips of an 80-year-old and will probably be stealing my mother's extra-strength arthritis Motrin in an attempt to keep going. But here I am preparing for day two so that has to count for something.

I've decided that I'm throwing in a day of yoga somewhere in this routine to work on my flexibility and loosen up my muscles.

The final hurdle is getting my diet under control. I haven't had the heart yet to tell Alexis that once you start going to the gym regularly your appetite increases. Again, I've had years of restricting my diet and relegating myself to salad but she might not take the news lightly.

I promise as of today I will start taking photos to keep your attention so keep an eye out for those gems. Wish me luck with my osteoporosis.


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