Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Allow me to apologize for my slow friend

Hello there.

Because my friend below doesn't know the first thing about creating an internet presence; allow me to explain who we are and what the purpose of this blog is.

My name is Nicole and I'm 25(ish) years old. Alexis and I have been friends since 10th grade biology class when I denied her request to be her lab partner. We were inseparable during the remainder of high school ( although we were known to get in the occasional hair-pulling tug of war) and have remained close through my leaving Dutchess County to go away to college and never looking back and her recent marriage to someone I'm 97% sure is Jordan Knight.

I'm recently back in the area and since then Alexis and I have toyed with the idea of motivating each other to get in to shape. Again, anyone who knows us could have seen how that might end up disastrously but we really will make an effort... probably.

Anyway, that brings us to the Warrior Dash at Windham Mountain August 14th. You can find information on the event here:

There is quite a bit of running involved, a wall to climb and even a jump over a fire pit. Since the both of us prefer to sit around boozing it up while eating cookies we are ill-prepared for the event and have committed to training so that we don't die hideously in front of hundreds of people.

Each day we will both update about our diet, our exercise, what motivates us and whatever fun things pop up in the process. We'll also try to post tips, tricks and maybe even a recipe or two that helps us along the way. We would appreciate any and all motivation you'd like to send our way since the both of us are really disgustingly lazy. Alexis described her personal goals in her post and mine are very similar. Although slimming down would be faboosh I'm also really excited to feel strong again. It's been a long time since I've felt that way and quite frankly I'm not sure I'll ever be able to climb over a wall.

Well here's to hoping. Thanks for joining us. We're really funny, so you won't regret it.


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