Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Life is a series of scales and balances. (I mean this metaphorically, of course, as I try like hell to avoid both as often as possible in real life) For example I know that if I am going to drink all of these on a Thursday night with 2 other people:
Then I must eat things like these to counteract the damage:

If it were reasonable/affordable/wouldn't give me mercury poisoning I would eat sushi every day. I would also drink 7 bottles of wine every day if that were reasonable. Unfortunately, in grown-up world it isn't and I am forced to exercise some self-control. However, since I am utterly unwilling to give up alcohol, I will make my concessions with healthier food and more exercise. Life is just so unfair sometimes, isn't it?

Today I worked out for 45 minutes. Still sucks, in case you were expecting that to change. I had coffee and fruit for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and grilled chicken with roasted zucchini for dinner. I also indulged in a scoop of frozen yogurt which my mother aptly noticed I measured with a measuring cup. I like being accurate when counting calories. On that note, do you know how DEPRESSING one serving of frozen yogurt is? Almost as depressing as serving of cereal. Seriously, I'm going to buy baby bowls so that I can endure it.

Alas, my birthday dinner is coming up on Thursday and you can expect an all out binge. How is that for balance? Stay tuned.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Back on the horse

Hello there,

As promised, I got my lazy ass back into the gym and back on a diet today. Before I go into detail about what I did/ate, I wanted to share a food blog that I really really enjoy. Although I've never done Weight Watchers, I really enjoy discovering new ways to cook for I like and reduce the calories/fat and Weight Watchers followers are really great at that. I enjoy food too much not to at least TRY and eat more than salads and grilled chicken and this blog gives me hope I can do that without being fat. Check out http://www.skinnytaste.com/

Anyway, I spent 45 minutes in the gym, 25 on the elliptical and 20 on the treadmill. Everything pretty much hurt after that and it makes me angry to be so out of shape.

Today I ate a small bowl of cereal and coffee for breakfast and a salad for dinner. I had a few bites of my parents' ziti and broccoli and that was enough to not want to eat the entire pound of pasta.

In other news, this is my birthday week so I have set aside Thursday (the big day) to eat whatever since I'm going to dinner with my family. Otherwise, I really am being as strict as possible this month. I also start my new job July 1. I'm looking for tips on how to pack healthy lunches. Send some options my way.

Unfortunately, I plan on going to the gym tomorrow again. Please, please, send your well-wishes my way.


Sunday, June 26, 2011


Ok ok, this is really hard. Because I'm lazy and have the bones of an old person. I'd done making excuses though and will be dragging my miserable ass to the gym first thing tomorrow morning. It's also my birthday week which means i will OBVIOUSLY allow myself once but otherwise am old eating salads and air (and wine). I promise an update of the misery that will ensure at the gym tomorrow. UGH.

Oh right...that running thing

Ok soooo I was doing really well ...running almost everyday for about 2 miles...and then the weekends come and it all comes to a screeching halt. I have lost  5 pounds so far and every weekend I eat or drink those 5 pounds back. I need to put an end to it and get back to training. I also havent been to the gym in a week.....sooo yea there is that. More to come this week....

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Coffee, please.

Hello folks,

Being unemployed, I am sitting in my pajamas drinking coffee enjoying a cup of coffee. Hopefully the unemployed bit will be ending soon but it got me thinking about those things in my diet I'm just not willing to give up. Half and half in my coffee.. this is a luxury I refuse to give up. If I am attempting to build a healthier lifestyle for myself I have to be realistic about how I can live for the rest of my life.. and I'll be damned if I'll live a cream-less life.

It feels really good to get to the gym, physically anyway. However, I still hate every second of it and my guess is that this will never really change. I'm trying to get in at least 45 minutes 5 days/week and so far have been on the right track. I'm a work in progress so bear with me. Next week Alexis and I are going to start incorporating weights into our routine so please stay tuned for the hilarity (and injuries) that will ensue.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Gimme Chocolateeeeeeeeeeeee

Exercise: Running
Food: Strawberries, Salad, Lil bit of pasta
Playlist: Glee, MIA, LCD Soundsystem, Bruce Springsteen

Ok I did really well today with the whole eating healthy thing. A Co-worker and I have decided to keep each other in check and watch what we eat, which is helpful! I MAY have had a reeses or 2 but IM ONLY HUMAN. Tonight I ran after dinner and my knees are really throbbing. I found it it hard to go up and down stairs today so im thinking tomorrow I need to ice them and let them rest or I might just collapse.  I just need them to hold up for exactly 2 months. The pain really slowed me down today unfortunately and I was hoping to improve my time...but alas, at least I ran, UNLIKE SOMEONE! As I sit here right now...I am seriously craving chocolate ....I might cry if I dont eat chocolate right now...WILLPOWER?....Only time will tell...

Skee dob oh dee dob oh dee


So in the food and exercise arena things seem off to a good start. I'm doing my best to be disciplined about the way i eat but it usually takes about a week for me to get back into the swing of things and work through my sugar cravings. Overall, I just want cookies.. all the time. But this too shall pass. My hip still hurts but it feels good to be active. I took today off but will be back in there tomorrow- my goal is to go at least 5 times a week and while I'm unemployed do some two-a-days. I plan to enlist my mom in keeping me company since I can brings guests.

Alexis and I have been getting coffee after our workouts which I really enjoy. What I DO NOT enjoy is having NARROWLY escaped getting a bagel both days. I'm not sure how long my iron-will can last.

Anyway, as promised I will provide a photograph. It really does express exactly how the both of us feel about the gym while simultaneously making me appear bald.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Oh-Hi-Knee Brace

Exercise: Running, Elyptical...etc..
 Food: Ok so I may have made chocolate chip pancakes this morning but I made up for it with dinner, Soy Ginger Turkey Burger, salad and grilled peppers. BOOYAH
Playlist: Glee, Brand New

I will make this one short and sweet, Glee Project is on duh. Nicole and I hit the gym again today. Running, stationary bike, and elyptical. Rocked the shit outta all of them! I am super obsessed with the gym, I want to live there. Nuff said. On top of rocking the gym, Vin rocked the grocery store and bought me all sorts of healthy shenanigans that I am very excited about.

So here is the only downfall of exercising....my knee is THROBBING. I have had bad knees for a while, sorta dont have much cartilage in them and now the cracking and popping and pain is back. It is so bad that I had to rock the knee brace today to the gym. I just need it to hold up for another 2 months then I promise I will stop canceling my orthopedist appointments and I will actually go. I promise. I just really want to do the Warrior Dash. Thanks knee Gods!

Check out some pics below....
booooo bad knee

Yes I listen to music and watch Housewives of OC while I work out

Bah! Dunkin Donuts truck teasing me.....yum


Hello friends,

As Alexis has shared with you all, we indeed joined the gym yesterday. While she thinks it's the most fabulous thing in the world because she's never belonged to one before I, as a life-long chub, know that the luster wears off quickly. There was a time in my life, while in college, that I was in pretty decent shape and I genuinely enjoyed the gym. I'm desperately trying to remember why I liked the feeling so it keeps me motivated to go. It does help to have a friend with you. I just remind myself that it is also a chance to socialize. Even if your friend doesnt warn you before you leave the house that she put makeup on.

The downside of all of this is that I have the hips of an 80-year-old and will probably be stealing my mother's extra-strength arthritis Motrin in an attempt to keep going. But here I am preparing for day two so that has to count for something.

I've decided that I'm throwing in a day of yoga somewhere in this routine to work on my flexibility and loosen up my muscles.

The final hurdle is getting my diet under control. I haven't had the heart yet to tell Alexis that once you start going to the gym regularly your appetite increases. Again, I've had years of restricting my diet and relegating myself to salad but she might not take the news lightly.

I promise as of today I will start taking photos to keep your attention so keep an eye out for those gems. Wish me luck with my osteoporosis.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

"I wish we were in Africa and it was cool to be fat"

 Exercise: 20 minutes on the Elyptical (spelling?) 25 minutes running.
 Food: Multigrain Bagel, Coffee, Margaritas (obvi)
 Playlist: LCD Soundsystem, Glee

You may have heard the news...and YES its true, Nicole and I have joined a gym, although when we drove up the cops and EMT's were there so I am wondering who called ahead and told them I was coming? Anywho, I am already hooked, obsessed call it what you want. We are even meeting a trainer on wednesday! I am SO pumped! I really feel that if I keep this up I can TOTALLY finish this race, however, I did talk to a friend today who has done this race and he told me not only is it hard but the first mile is all uphill? Really? How bout no, Scott. I dont do uphill....so that sucks donkey balls.

After working out, Nicole and I got coffee and bagels. Apparently Bertha the Bagel Butterer saw through the work out gear and saw the true fatty in me and  decided to slap on approximately 7-8 pounds of butter. Now, dont get me wrong. I love me some butter but this healthy chick scraped it allllllll off until there was just a hint of it left....check it out....

Check me out...first official gym workout

Annndddddd heres dinner...


Laters on the Menjay,

Friday, June 10, 2011

Want me to Punch-a-size your face? For Free?

Exercise: Walk/Run
Food: Skinny Vanilla Latte, Chicken Pot pie (oops), Pinkberry (oops)...etc etc
Playlist: MIA, Glee, Cut Copy, Brand New

Well hello there friends! Second post....very exciting... As you may have read, Nicole and I have both had pretty rough weeks...for separate reasons... so we did not post yesterday. Well, I had no power until this afternoon so really that was my excuse. Anywho, This whole running thing has me pumped and really sore, not sure I want to continue..

Yesterday, I will put it out there, I did not exercise but to make up for it I had Pinkberry .....duh ..and oh how delish it was. I can thank my coworker for being a bad influence and suggesting it. When I got home we had no power so we went to my parents house for dinner, came home to no power and went to bed. No shower = No running.

Today however....well thats a different story. Not only did I just get back from a leg cramping, thrilling (no), run (approx 2 miles, dont believe what mapmyrun.com tells you...they lie) but I walked from Chelsea to Grand Central.(1.1 miles, thanks google maps!) So stick that in your pipe and smoke it Nicole. Clearly your ass is going to be a fiery mess while my svelte body gingerly glides over and through all obstacles until the end where I am crowned Alexis: Warrior Princess. Im just saying...you are behind...get with it. Anywho, while my friend was boozing it up, you can see I was training to win this shit. BAZINGA!

I also have some questions: 1.) Don't you think I should wear a helmet while partaking in this death race? Probs 2.) In all seriousness, is running the only way to train? I need to build stamina, yes but perhaps some weights? 3.) Pizza is the best idea for dinner correct? Smothered in meatballs? Great. Done. But really.....im on the phone right now ordering it...LAY OFF ME IM STARVING!

Laters on Menjay

Check out some pics below!

                                    PINKBERRY...dont mind the brownies bites...focus on the strawberries
I enjoy running on the highway overpass...reminds me of my favorite Brand New song 

Tell me this doesn't look like the road where dead girls bodies are found...so no...I do not travel on this road.

This damn dog scares the bejesus out of me..every fricken day
My route...no....it was not 3 miles like MAPMYRUN said...but still....

Nicole and the no good, very bad...month?

So far I've noticed that the only thing creating this blog has accomplished so far is creating intense feelings of guilt every time i even look at a cookie (because that TOTALLY didn't exist before). While i swear I am absolutely dedicated to not dying a fiery death at the Warrior Dash right now I am totally consumed by finding a job and starting my life. In between reading young adult novels about vampires and werewolves and looking for jobs I have very little time left. That probably is untrue, but whatever, I'm wallowing.

Yesterday, after a particularly excruciating interview and let down (I made it to the final three candidates but didn't get the job) I parked my ass at a bar in Grand Central Station and chugged a blood orange margarita in what I can only describe as a crippling-depression induced blackout. Afterward, I felt guilty and thought about how I might justify it to all (ha!) of our readers and here is what I came up with: I deserved it and if I can't make room in my life for a "i-feel-bad-for-myself" mid-afternoon cocktail then this is no life for me.

Anyway, it's a million degrees outside right now and I admit that I have yet to really dedicate myself to a fitness regiment. I am currently debating going outside for a light yog around the apartment complex but I promise that as soon as ALEXIS gets her crap together and we join the gym I will have more exciting updates about my asthma attacks and shin splints. My athleticism is astounding, you're all in for a treat.

On that note, I will leave you with a photograph of my margarita and an (insincere) apology to anyone that I might have let down because I drank it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Allow me to apologize for my slow friend

Hello there.

Because my friend below doesn't know the first thing about creating an internet presence; allow me to explain who we are and what the purpose of this blog is.

My name is Nicole and I'm 25(ish) years old. Alexis and I have been friends since 10th grade biology class when I denied her request to be her lab partner. We were inseparable during the remainder of high school ( although we were known to get in the occasional hair-pulling tug of war) and have remained close through my leaving Dutchess County to go away to college and never looking back and her recent marriage to someone I'm 97% sure is Jordan Knight.

I'm recently back in the area and since then Alexis and I have toyed with the idea of motivating each other to get in to shape. Again, anyone who knows us could have seen how that might end up disastrously but we really will make an effort... probably.

Anyway, that brings us to the Warrior Dash at Windham Mountain August 14th. You can find information on the event here: http://www.warriordash.com/register2011_new_york.php

There is quite a bit of running involved, a wall to climb and even a jump over a fire pit. Since the both of us prefer to sit around boozing it up while eating cookies we are ill-prepared for the event and have committed to training so that we don't die hideously in front of hundreds of people.

Each day we will both update about our diet, our exercise, what motivates us and whatever fun things pop up in the process. We'll also try to post tips, tricks and maybe even a recipe or two that helps us along the way. We would appreciate any and all motivation you'd like to send our way since the both of us are really disgustingly lazy. Alexis described her personal goals in her post and mine are very similar. Although slimming down would be faboosh I'm also really excited to feel strong again. It's been a long time since I've felt that way and quite frankly I'm not sure I'll ever be able to climb over a wall.

Well here's to hoping. Thanks for joining us. We're really funny, so you won't regret it.


Cookies are a staple in every girls diet...

Hey no one reading this....follow our blog over the next 2 months as we train to be the next Ultimate Warriors, no offense to the original, may he RIP....moment of silence please.....

Here is a breakdown of my Day 1
1.) only had one cookie at work...so thats a plus
2.) Ran about a mile....it was pitch black out...lay off me
3.) Playlist = Cut Copy, Vanilla Ice, Glee, LCD Soundsystem, Bruce Springsteen, Florence and the Machine

So here is the rundown of how we came about all of these shenanigans. A friend from work asked me to sign up for the Warrior Dash and me having a death wish, I said yes. Knowing she would leave me in the dust with broken bones I enlisted my BFF Nicole to do it as well! If you know me you know I LOVE to eat, eat ,eat and basically just eat. Not sure if I mentioned this before but I really love to eat, cookies, cake, chocolate and anything that is edible. But there will be no more of that. It has been 2 days since these precious lips have toyed with goodness of a chocolate chip cookie....except the one I had during market today, but besides that I have sworn them off....kind of. Not only that but I am even exercising. SHOCKING, I know. This is all a sick joke but deep down I am kind of excited! This gives me a reason to get off my ass and stop watching reality tv and actually accomplish something, so I guess I should thank the one who asked me to sign up. Cheers to weight loss and accomplishing something I never thought I would do!

Check out what we are doing below!

Check me out on my night run!! Thats the face of PURE JOY....